The Purple Line in Labour: Why We Should Call It a Congestion Line

Among the many physiological signs of labour progress, the purple line – as it is currently known – has been widely noted by birth professionals. Observed as a darkened streak extending from the anus upward along the natal cleft (the crease between the...

Understanding Prodromal Labour: What It Is and How It Differs from the Latent Phase

Labour can be full of surprises, especially when it comes to early contractions. Prodromal labour, often called ‘false labour,’ involves contractions that can feel intense but don’t lead to dilation of the cervix. It can go on for days or sometimes even...

Why You Need to Interview Your Hospital or MLU

When it comes to planning your birth, choosing where you will feel safe, is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. Many parents-to-be assume that once they’ve selected a hospital or midwife-led unit (MLU), they can relax, trusting that their chosen setting...

8 Truths That Will Transform Your Birth Experience

Over the years, supporting women through pregnancy and birth, I’ve found myself repeating the same key truths. My quotes have become powerful mantras that have helped thousands of couples prepare for a physiological birth with confidence. Birth is a...

Informed Consent: Your Right, Your Responsibility

Informed consent is the cornerstone of making decisions in healthcare, especially during pregnancy and birth. It’s not just a checkbox, a signature, or a quick ‘yes’ in a rushed appointment. It’s a process – a dialogue between you and your care...

STOP and FLOP: Simple Strategies for a Calm and Empowered Labour

When preparing for labour, practical techniques that support both your body and mind can make all the difference. That’s why I developed two easy-to-remember acronyms: STOP and FLOP. These strategies have proven highly effective for my clients over the years, helping...