Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Childbirth: Understanding the Impact

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is a group of connective tissue disorders that can affect many aspects of a person’s health, including their pregnancy, labour, and postpartum experience. The condition often involves hypermobility, fragile tissues, and skin that bruises...

The Power of a ‘Full-Body Yes’ – How to Make Decisions with Confidence and Clarity

When faced with choices regarding birth, no matter how big or small – decision making can feel overwhelming.  Assuming you have weighed the pros and cons, sought advice, and overanalysed every detail about your answer, how can you be sure you will make the...

Why the ‘Privacy Instinct’ Matters for Neurodiverse Women

The subconscious mind is a powerful ally during labour and birth, working hard to protect and guide the birthing process. By understanding and respecting its role, we can create environments and encourage practices that support its precautionary instincts, leading to...