Free Resources
I remember when I was pregnant how useful it was to be able to access resources like these to support my knowledge in preparation for birth. All documents are copyrighted and some will require an email address to access – but your details will be safe and only used to add to my email list – unsubscribe at any time.
Please enjoy the following….

Free Resources
I remember when I was pregnant how useful it was to be able to access resources like these to support my knowledge in preparation for birth. All documents are copyrighted and some will require an email address to access – but your details will be safe and only used to add to my email list – unsubscribe at any time.
Please enjoy the following….
Birth Plan Checklist
This popular tool is aimed at supporting you and your partner to learn more about your options for birth. The checklist will help you identify if there are any gaps in your knowledge and ensure that you have all the information you need to know BEFORE you write your birth plan.
FREE CHAPTER - The Art of Giving Birth
Download the introduction and first chapter of The Art of Giving Birth for FREE – by clicking the link below.
Learn more about the 3 ways you can give birth – in order to develop your own philosophies of birth, and prepare for the one that suits you.
Oxytocin Kit Checklist
Download the Build Your Oxytocin Kit List which will help remind you of anything you need to gather in preparation for birth, and any environmental factors you need to take into consideration – and share with your birth partner.
FREE Guided Relaxation
This is a lovely relaxation that you can do at any time of day or night to help you to relax. It is NOT pregnancy-related, and can be used by everyone – including your partner and children.
The music is my own and copyrighted to me. The track itself starts at 11 mins 15 secs – so you can fast forward to the starting point whenever you want to listen.
If you prefer a longer relaxation track that is specific to labour and birth, you can purchase my 1 hour-long track ‘Breathe’ – by clicking the link here
Pregnancy Yoga Stretches
Get this FREE list of pregnancy yoga ideas to help you learn more about supporting your body as your baby grows. These simple moves will help you to feel able to stretch and strengthen – during the second and third trimester.


Out of the Laboratory and back to the darkened room – Tricia Anderson